Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Alterations Along The Way

It is evident that our ideas have changed throughout the process of filming, researching and planning. 

Draft One: 'Baggage'

  • First as a group, our idea was that there was a girl with a bag with she threw into a canal. The main enigma would be what was is hiding and is making her look so suspicious?
  • However, where the location of the canal had many bushes and was right under a bridge which in result made of footage look dark and grainy.
  • Our genre was predominantly Thriller.
  • Through the editing process, we found that our credits were not enough and the font and placement of them were incorrect.
  • We did rely mostly of the use of flashbacks in this draft and most of the sequence were flashbacks.
  • I do think we did challenge ourselves in achieving multiple, unique shots and thought it was quite successful using two cameras.
  • The non-diegetic score music was not to our ability and foley sounds were not explored in any way.
  • Our opening sequence was not 2 mins long.
  • We were able to film the sequence quicker than the other drafts. 

Draft Two: 'Who's Next?'

  • This draft took longer than the first and was quite tiring.
  • I feel that we were less organised with this draft in concern to the location and props. 
  • It was however, a bit better than the first draft.
  • The music was again not challenged and created sympathy instead of suspense.
  • The main character 'Kayla' scrubbing the floor and looking into the mirror were our most successful shots.
  • 'Esere' , a new character was added.
  • MES - The blood looked realistic and was a sufficient amount. 

  • Our first attempt to add in Foley sounds was horrible and sounded weird.
  • In this draft, we were able to achieve many shots that we were proud of and were able to focus on attention to framing and continuity editing. 

Draft Three And Draft Four: 

  • These two drafts were not able to uploaded and were fairly bad.
  • We had quite a lot of continuity editing errors.

  • At some points, the camera was unleveled. 

  • Our storyline was quite good but not as clear or exciting.
  • Due to lighting issues, the lighting was grainy.

Draft Five: 'Hair'

  • We then found that our storyline was beginning to learn more foward the Slasher/Horror genre because of the gory detail and imagery. This was with a slight hint of the Thriller genre as well.
  • With influences from Maniac, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Hard Candy, we researched more into the film making process of these films and their amazing storylines.
  • In order to reinforce the elements of a restrictive narrative, we decided to shoot our opening in predominently POV in order to reserve the identity of killer till much later. 

Monday, 21 April 2014

Finding Music & Sound Effects

Music Research, Possible Foley Sounds & Sound Effects



I really like 'Suffering and Pain' as the deep sounding drums increase and intensify throughout. This would be most ideal for the moment before the death of the victim to allow audience to anticipate what will happen next. 


'Walking Dead' starts off sinister which is what I like most about it. It builds fear from the very beginning. The drums increase and decrease throughout and the pace is slow and fast at necessary times. 


Knives sharpened together
Cutting flesh
  • These Foley sounds will be effective as it will be more dramatic as the flesh will be cut in slow motion. Also, the sound of the knives sharpening creating fear in the audience and suggest violence.

Sound effects:

Door Squeaking then bangs
Loud Footsteps

  • As the volume control increase, these sound effects will create more suspense and alert the audience that something sinister is about to occur when the killer gradually approaches the victim. 

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Time Management

All of the Research & Planning were due on Wednesday 16th April 2014. 

We did this in order for us to have enough time for filming and planning our evaluation questions. 

iMovie Tutorials

This is useful showing another scene with is happening synchronously in a scene. We can use this for the moment when 'Kayla' the killer is stoking 'Holly' the victims hair and panning the knives.

Tricks For Filming

I found this video really helpful as I was able to learn unique tricks for filming without all the technical equipment. These tips are definitely something we can incorporate in our opening. 

  • I really like the idea of the cloth on the table as it seems much easier to control the camera and zoom in and out of a scene.
  • The tripod trick is definitely something I think we can use as it teaches me that tilt's creates more suspense and fear for the scene.
  • These techniques could be useful for when Kayla (killer) is slashing Holly's (victim) throat and she stops moving. 

Shotlist (Final Draft)

Sunday, 13 April 2014

My Very Own Flesh & Blood!

I didn't have all the necessary ingredients to make the blood we had made before, so I experimented with something else. We will need this for the scene where Kayla (killer) in our opening cuts off a section of Holly's (victim) scalp. This scene is the key moment to show a lot of gore and portray a typical Slasher film. It has certain conventions which that allow audience to recgonise the Horror genre. 

Inspirational scene from Maniac with
cut scalp and dripping blood

The scene would look
something like this
This is a perfect example of what
Holly should look like
I found good technique for us to use when applying
the blood and cutting the scalp

The outcome of my experiement

Ingredients for Blood:

  • 4 Tbsp Coke
  • Squeeze of Ketchup
  • 1 Tbsp of Water
  • 3 Tbsp of Soy Sauce
  • Half a cup of Vimto (Juice)
  • 1/4 of a whole Banana
  1. I added the Vimto first then add the soy sauce for a darker colour add mixed
  2. Then I added 4 tbsp (or more) of coke and straight after add the squeeze ketchup for thickness
  3. I then mixed all of them together and added a bit of water 
  4. Then I chopped up the piece of banana and added them 
  5. Then I made my very own flesh & blood!

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Inspired Scenes & Incidental Music

Ideas for draft five:

Criminal minds

Patrycia would be most suitable to play this character as
he is white with blonde hair. I really like the idea of the cloth in
the mouth instead of the black tape. 

Again I prefer a rope to sellotape or black tape as I
feel  it seems more realistic and easier to use. 

The fact that the victim is a blonde-haired female portrays her
vulnerable which is the stereotypical character in a Horror film. 

This links in very well with our group idea of the killer
having a mass obsession with blond hair.  Instead, our group are
challenging this and using a female killer. 


This scene is what inspired us to do a film with a obsessed killer.
And the use of the POV allows audience to understand that this woman is being stalked.  

I really like this scene because it shows the amount of times this
killer has killed woman because of his obsession. This is
perhaps something we could use in our Opening Sequence.

This is also a good scene to use as it shows suggestive
violence in which our Opening lacks at the moment. Also, the use of Close Ups in Maniac
create mystery and make it all the more surprising when something is revealed.

Incidental Music 

Silent House 

At 1:00, the incidental music has machine effect along side and continuous drum which will be highly useful for our opening, especially when Shivonne decides on which knifes to use. 

The sound effects and the increasing pace and volume of the beat of the drum creates more tension. 

This incidental music could be used for when the killer (Kayla) contemplates on which knife to use. 

Mine Games 

The moment they enter the abandoned mine, the music becomes a lot more eerie and mystery and this is something we could utilise when Holly (victim) is sat on the chair and this will be filmed with Close Ups and Extreme Close Ups to create more mystery and fear. 

Also, there is some sort of drumming increases at the most pivotal points of the film which could be very effective for our opening to create fright in the fade to blacks. 

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Draft Four : Assessment Record






 Teacher gave verbal feedback


The grade I received for this task was        

This is    below   /   on   /   above my target grade of a   C   .


To improve this work I need to: 
  • More blood and gore- Genre has changed to Horror/Slasher
  • Most of next draft will shot in POV
  • More Close Up Shots for suggestive violence

Opening Sequence Draft Four

Draft Four was not complete, however our teacher gave our advice verbally. 

The reasons this draft was not uploaded was due to: 

  • Some scenes were quite jumpy and shaky 
  • We didn't have enough footage to edit everything
  • Attention to framing was not concise
  • Some scenes didn't flow and looked repetitive 
  • Climax was not building

Straight after this, our whole group have started thinking of new ideas to incorporate into our final drafts.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Evaluation On Filming Draft Four

Filming Draft Four!

  1. First image - Esere playing dead, as she prepares for Shivonne to pull her into the bathroom
  2. Second image down -Patrycia put our second in the bath to get a unique shot
  3. Third down -Juice (blood) poured and smudged over to create the sense Esere has been stabbed and is bleeding
  4. Fourth- Me filming a Mid Shot of Shivonne walking
  5. Fifth down- Esere filming a Mid Shot of Shivonne walking from behind
  6. Sixth-Shivonnes shadow created with key lighting against the wall
  7. Seventh- Esere from another angle playing dead
  8. Eighth - Me filming Shivonne stalking and following Patrycia

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Draft Three : Assessment Record






 Teacher gave verbal feedback


The grade I received for this task was        

This is    below   /   on   /   above my target grade of a   C   .


To improve this work I need to: 
  • Pay more attention to MES 
  • Work on continuity errors
  • Use more Close Up Shots
  • Sort out lighting issues because scenes look grainy

Opening Sequence Draft Three

Our group were not able not able to upload draft three as it wasn't fully complete. 

The reasons for this are due to: 
  1. We didn't have much good footage in order to edit 
  2. We had serious light issues
  3. Some scenes were not leveled and looked shaky at some times
  4. Continuity issues 
  5. Attention to framing was quite poor
However, we have all taken the advice given and will pay attention to the issue raised. 

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Third Draft Filming

Esere and I shooting from different angles

Patrycia and I filming the back of
Shivonne following the victim; Esere

Shivonne getting ready to film
the floor scrubbing scene

Patrycia preparing camera
before neck cutting scene

Esere and Patrycia squirting "blood"
on Shivonne's shirt

End result of squirting on Shivonne's top

End result of our own blood

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Opening Sequence Two Audience Feedback

My Mum, 52.

'What did you think our our Second Opening Sequence? And what could be improved on?'

Reply was: 

"I found it very thrilling and interesting. I don't think I was quite scared or thrilled by it, but it was fairly interesting to watch. I think you could have made it more suspenseful."

My Niece, 11.

'How did you find our Second Opening Sequence? What do you think could be better for next time?' 

Reply was: 

"I think it was very good. I found it a bit scary and it made me think she committed a crime. I think the storyline could be better though."

Again, i interviewed two females of different ages and got different responses. 

Draft Two : Assessment Record






The grade I received for this task was    D2     

This is   below  my target grade of a   C   .


To improve this work I need to: 
  • The music - It creates sympathy not tension
  • The enigma - It films like the end of a film, not a opening
  • Titles- The credits went by too fast 

Opening Sequence Draft Two

Editing Draft Two

Shivonne adding and editing the pace of the credits

Esere editing the Match On Action scene

All of my group checking the sound effects 

Patrycia adding slow motion effects to the flashbacks

Me changing the effect to black and white

Monday, 24 March 2014

Evaluation Of Filming For Second Draft

This filming day took a lot longer than the last. I can honestly I only enjoyed it when it was almost ending. We spent a lot of time in my house trying to do the bathroom scene and it was very tiring. But after this, we still had to go to the skate park to film the walking scene. 

When at the skate park, many people were coming out and interrupting our filming process with questions like "What's this for?" It was really annoying. And as if things weren't bad enough, about half way through filming, thunder and lighting forced her to pack up and run home. Overall, it was a not so great filming experience.

Second Draft Filming!

Patrycia doing Over The Shoulder of Esere walking

Esere filming Shivonne throwing the bag into the canal

Esere and Patrycia filming Shivonne- who wasn't yet ready

Me filming a Mid Shot of Shivonne throwing
the bag into the canal

Patrycia filming a Close Up Shot of the stone
dropping into the canal

The bag floated! We had to take sticks, take the bag out of the canal,
untie it and add more stone and try again. That's hard work. 

My group enjoying filming!

After the long day we had, we still love Media!

Esere and Patrycia freezing, but filming Shivonne
walking past whilst gripping onto the bag

Patrycia preparing to film the Close Up Shot
of the stone dropping into the canal 
Me adding more "blood" for the floor scrubbing scene

Patrycia applying make-up for Shivonne's eye bags

Me giving a helping hand to the application of make-up
The outcome of our hand made blood! 

Me holding the blood to add to the object when filming starts